Best Practices - Collection Seizure of Mobile Devices for Investigators
- Best Practices - Collection Seizure of Mobile Devices for Investigators
- 2019-06-27T08:00:00-04:00
- 2019-06-27T17:00:00-04:00
- This 1-day training course is designed to teach law enforcement personnel and first responders how to handle, preserve, and seize mobile devices encountered at crime scenes. The training also provides information related to the required documentation and the potential for testimony related to the seizure of digital evidence. Finally, students will obtain a clear understanding of the extensive and specialized analysis that is conducted by forensic personnel in order to extract and analyze data contained in the evidence.
- When Jun 27, 2019 from 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM (US/Eastern / UTC-400)
- Where Northwest RCFL, 1201 NE Lloyd Blvd, Portland, OR 97232
- Contact Name Detective Aaron Jackson
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Class size is limited. To register for this training, please email us at and include the following details in your registration request:
- Name and date of the course you are registering for
- Full Name
- Agency
- Email Address
- Phone Number
This training will help Law Enforcement personnel to identify mobile device digital evidence and associated media, and take precautions to isolate and preserve the evidence. The goal being to preserve a mobile device in an open state so a forensic examination can be conducted. The training also provides information related to the required documentation and the potential for testimony related to the seizure of any digital evidence. Finally, students will obtain a clear understanding of the extensive and specialized analysis that is conducted by forensic personnel in order to extract and analyze data contained on the evidence.
Topics Covered:
- Crime Scene Investigation
- Evidence Collection/Preservation
- Mobile Device Identification
- Isolating and Protecting the Evidence
- Legal Perspectives of a Search
- Reporting & Testimony
- Practical Exercises
- Evidence Acquisition, Examination,
and Analysis