2019 Investigator's Conference
The Heart of America Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory (HARCFL) and the United States Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force have joined together to provide valuable law enforcement training regarding current trends and case studies from an ever-increasing digital world.
- https://www.rcfl.gov/heart-of-america/training-schedule/2019-investigators-conference
- 2019 Investigator's Conference
- 2019-10-04T08:30:00-04:00
- 2019-10-04T17:00:00-04:00
- The Heart of America Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory (HARCFL) and the United States Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force have joined together to provide valuable law enforcement training regarding current trends and case studies from an ever-increasing digital world.
- When Oct 04, 2019 from 08:30 AM to 05:00 PM (US/Eastern / UTC-400)
- Where Kansas City (MO) Police Academy 6885 N.E. Pleasant Valley Road Kansas City, MO 64119
- Contact Name Director Sarah Lucas, Deputy Director Jason Steinke, or Training Coordinator Thad Winkelman
- Contact Phone 816-584-4300
- Attendees All Kansas and Missouri State, local and Federal Law Enforcement Officers are encouraged to attend. Pre-registration is required.
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